#1019 US [Rooms] #1022 US [Courses:] #1025 US [Delete] #1026 US [Grade] #1027 US [Grades:] #1033 US [Time off] #1035 US [Grade] #1036 US [Grade name :] #1039 US [Teachers:] #1052 US [Teacher for Gradel?] #1054 US [Edit] #1066 US [Joint grades] #1083 US [Don't use] #1084 US [Create New Schedule:] #1085 US [Rooms] #1086 US [Rooms:] #1092 US [Room] #1095 US [Room name :] #1098 US [Room selection] #1108 US [Joint grades] #1125 US [Create Schedule] #1129 US [Creating the schedule] #1134 US [Period times] #1136 US [Start time] #1137 US [End time] #1158 US [Grade displayed] #1167 US [School year:] #1185 US [Grade] #1239 US [Possible error in schedule specifications:] #1242 US [Grade] #1244 US [Sections] #1249 US [Pending Sections:] #1266 US [#per] #1267 US [Schedule generated:] #1276 US [Name] #1329 US [Grade selection] #1335 US [Advanced Parameters] #1336 US [Complexity of schedule] #1349 US [Normal\r\n] #1363 US [About Timetables:] #1368 US [Schedule testing] #1369 US [Schedule test: ] #1373 US [Section information] #1382 US [Grade details] #1389 US [Change grades] #1390 US [Two courses cannot be scheduled on the same day] #1391 US [They cannot be scheduled consecutively on the same day] #1396 US [Grade] #1400 US [Scheduling Constraints] #1403 US [Delete] #1418 US [Assign recommended rooms to the set of available rooms for this lesson.] #1422 US [Courses/Grades/Rooms] #1424 US [Create the schedule] #1502 US [Schedule] #1532 US [Grade teacher] #1563 US [Grade teacher, Teaches Grade, Approbation, Joining, Duty] #1601 US [&Grade Levels] #1602 US [Rooms] #1607 US [Grade] #1611 US [Test the schedule] #1612 US [Create new schedule] #1613 US [Rerun \r\nScheduler] #1615 US [Advanced Parameters] #1616 US [Show relaxed constraints] #1617 US [Assign Rooms] #1640 US [Course Length] #1643 US [Entire Grade] #1647 US [Code] #1649 US [Room] #1666 US [Grade] #1701 US [Are you sure you want to remove all unlocked scheduled sections ?] #1702 US [Lock all sections on grid?] #1703 US [Are you sure you want to unlock all sections ?] #1723 US [Empty the room] #1725 US [Grade] #1727 US [Room %1] #1737 US [Room collision %1] #1761 US [Schedule] #1764 US [Colliding sections] #1784 US [Possible issue for grade %1] #1786 US [Grade %1 can be scheduled.] #1787 US [Teacher %1 can be scheduled.] #1788 US [Teacher %1, Likely the # of sections assigned is > time slots avail, will need manually placed.] #1794 US [Course %1: Likely the # of students requesting course is > capacity.] #1798 US [Course can be scheduled] #1799 US [Sections that are placed on the grid but are unlocked will be removed.\r\nAre you sure you want to continue?] #1808 US [Testing revealed possible issues in creating the schedule. \r\n Issues may consist of but are not limited to:\r\n 1. Teacher double booked\r\n 2. Room double booked\r\n 3. Student's schedule is full but still has outstanding requests\r\n 4. # of requests > section capacity\r\n 5. Course has no sections\r\nIf you find an issue not listed above please contact your ITC.] #1809 US [Sections that are placed on the grid but are unlocked will be removed.\r\nAre you sure you want to continue?] #1817 US [Grade %1 shares two sections in the same position.] #1821 US [Grade %1 contains a window.] #1952 US [Sections in the grid can be moved with the mouse] #2049 US [Grade] #2053 US [Test Grades] #2073 US [Schedule] #2135 US [Schedule of teachers] #2136 US [Schedule of grades] #2137 US [Schedule of grade levels ] #2143 US [Requests] #2198 US [Grade teacher] #2462 US [Can you always generate a schedule?] #2523 US [More rooms] #2553 US [More rooms] #2554 US [This section requires, this number of room(s):] #2607 US [Testing has found errors in the schedule generation. Do you want to see which sections can't be placed on the grid ?] #2609 US [Section] #2610 US [Sections] #2614 US [Scheduling Constraints] #2658 US [Grade %1 cannot be completed because of double-lessons.] #2714 US [Grade must have lessons in this interval:] #2715 US [Grade must finish before or on lesson:] #2722 US [Teacher must teach this grade in specific time every day] #2723 US [Grade teacher %1 doesn't teach grade level %2 in specified time every day] #2733 US [Section takes slot on scheduling grid that is required for another section] #2735 US [Test rooms] #2736 US [Schedule of students] #2746 US [Two courses must be in one day] #2758 US [Most difficult teacher to schedule:] #2759 US [Most difficult grade to schedule:] #2760 US [Scheduling Constraints broken] #2763 US [Success - schedule created!] #2764 US [Failure - not all sections could be scheduled. Go to the Master tab of the grid to view these sections.] #2765 US [Troubleshooting tips \r\n(a new window will open)] #2768 US [Grade must start with this hour:] #2770 US [Sections not able to be placed on grid:] #2779 US [Room %1 can be scheduled.] #2780 US [Room %1: Likely the # of sections mtg in room is > time slots avail. and will need manually placed.] #2785 US [Edit] #2825 US [- ] #2854 US [Course Length: %s] #2889 US [Pend Req] #2920 US [Teacher (CODE)] #2951 US [Upload scheduling results into StudentInformation] #2958 US [Section] #2980 US [Student #] #2983 US [Course has no sections] #2986 US [Inactivated contraint] #3004 US [Grade can have lessons in this interval.] #3005 US [Grade %1 exceeded the number of days taught allowed.] #3015 US [Contact your ITC] #3026 US [For question contacts your ITC (link doesn't work)] #3051 US [Execute] #3052 US [Schedule Generation] #3054 US [Apply to selected grades] #3062 US [Scheduling Parameters] #3064 US [Priority 4,5,6] #3065 US [Priority 1,2,3] #3066 US [Priority 7,8,9] #3067 US [Priority] #3071 US [Scheduling Constraints] #3073 US [Strict ] #3074 US [Testing the schedule at least once before clicking Execute below is recommended.\r\n] #3078 US [Leave test and check error] #3080 US [Retest this item] #3081 US [Test with relaxation - not recommended] #3082 US [Skip error and continue testing] #3083 US [Online Help (help.asctimetables.com)] #3084 US [Stop test & continue to another area ] #3088 US [Apply to selected subjects in selected grades] #3089 US [Customize text on sections] #3090 US [Grade has to be in one building during the whole day.] #3098 US [Max sections on one period] #3106 US [Saved aSc files:] #3111 US [Join grades] #3116 US [All rooms] #3117 US [Show tabs on scheduling grid] #3118 US [No teacher assigned] #3148 US [School\r\nDetails] #3223 US [Create new schedule] #3224 US [The schedule was successfully created, however some scheduling constraints had to be relaxed in order for the scheduler to finish.] #3225 US [OK. Show me the relaxed scheduling constraints.] #3232 US [Grade] #3234 US [Create new schedule] #3265 US [Room capacity exceeded] #3290 US [Max different rooms per day] #3291 US [Max different rooms per week] #3306 US [Student's requests] #3310 US [Alternative request of] #3311 US [Inactivated] #3317 US [Monday] #3318 US [Tuesday] #3319 US [Wednesday] #3320 US [Thursday] #3321 US [Friday] #3325 US [Click "+" sign to expand errors] #3326 US [Unmet scheduling constraints] #3327 US [Course Term] #3371 US [Rooms where these sections are taught] #3373 US [Hide courses without sections] #3374 US [Pend Req] #3375 US [Sections] #3383 US [Change student's grade to: %s \r\n-(not recommended)] #3384 US [Assign to new grade\r\n-(not recommended)] #3386 US [Delete student(s) from aSc \r\n(not recommended)] #3387 US [Lock all requests] #3388 US [Unlock all requests] #3395 US [Course Term] #3403 US [Verify course terms have come over from StudentInformation correctly] #3415 US [All Year] #3425 US [Rename days of the week] #3427 US [Verify Course Terms] #3428 US [Verify Weeks] #3435 US [Period Name] #3441 US [Schedule in any term] #3447 US [Conflicts found:] #3448 US [Remove conflicts and place the section] #3449 US [Ignore conflicts and place the section anyway] #3473 US [Sections must follow] #3475 US [Section can't follow] #3478 US [Max days with section on the same period] #3490 US [Grade can not be upgraded to full class] #3491 US [Room Capacity] #3493 US [Student still needs scheduled into section] #3497 US [Section must be scheduled in the grid] #3498 US [Pending section] #3499 US [Section doesn't have room assigned] #3501 US [Teacher double-booked] #3508 US [Selected] #3557 US [Entire Schedule (courses, students, etc)] #3558 US [Schedule - w/out students (sch specials)] #3559 US [Schedule w/out rooms] #3560 US [Only students] #3561 US [Don't use (Just Rooms)] #3563 US [These courses can meet any term] #3564 US [All Year Courses] #3565 US [Students from these grades can sign up for this course:] #3576 US [This period meets at different times on some days] #3591 US [All grades] #3606 US [Student with pending requests] #3607 US [Please choose what you want to generate:] #3608 US [Creating the schedule without rooms is good for testing. If the schedule cannot be generated without rooms, then there is some problem with your lessons. On the other hand if you can generate without rooms, and not with rooms, it is very likely that there will be some problem with rooms.\r\n\r\nIt doesn't make sense to generate without classrooms and then to add classrooms into the result. This is not a good aproach, because during the generation without classrooms the software will happily put 6 Physical Education lessons at one period although you only have one Gym room. It will not do this when you generate whole timetable in standard way.] #3628 US [Add more students from one grade] #3631 US [Filling Count] #3635 US [Needs investigating] #3636 US [Room is double-booked] #3646 US [Course section] #3716 US [Grade teacher occupied positions] #3746 US [We have a different period times in different grades] #3749 US [Print this period in summary schedules] #3751 US [Print this period in individual teacher's schedules] #3752 US [Print this period in individual grade schedules] #3753 US [Print in periods:] #3756 US [Click to view students] #3767 US [Student of these sections must have the same teacher(Teacher Link Group)] #3778 US [This grade has a schedule based on students, so the test will test individual students] #3801 US [Schedules] #3809 US [Period] #3829 US [# of courses that can be in this room at the same time:] #3844 US [One Grade] #3845 US [Joined grades] #3864 US [Student must have seminar A in a term before seminar B (Prerequisite)] #3866 US [Student must have these courses in the same term] #3867 US [Student can not have these courses in the same term] #3868 US [Max rooms on one period] #3872 US [Print this period in individual room schedules] #3877 US [Can not be in the same course term] #3885 US [Section (Subject in cell)] #3891 US [Apply to selected teachers' grades] #3900 US [Periods] #3902 US [Create new schedule] #3926 US [Filling Count] #3935 US [Student scheduled into alternate request] #3943 US [Inactivate] #3964 US [Student %1: Likely the # of requests is > time slots available.]